Sunday, January 25, 2009

baking with hannah

Just had to share some photos of Hannah's beautiful Christmas cookies. We spent a girl day on the day after Christmas lounging around the house in our pj's until well after noon watching chick flicks and baking cookies. Hannah turns out to be the queen cookie decorator. The boys all like their cookies well enough, but girlfriend took about an hour and a half to decorate 2 trays of cookies! As you can see, they really were works of art.

She made a point of decorating every cookie with someone in and red for me, pink and blue for Hannah, yellow and blue for Eddie, pink and green for Mommy. Dan was troubling because he doesn't have a favorite color.

The mountain-of-pink one was clearly the best, because she was so delighted--PINK! SPARKLY!--that she couldn't even speak, she just waved her hands and ghasped.

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